Flash: forum on Ft. Lauderdale show

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Oct 27, 2005

As those of you in the industry no doubt know, there’s a lot of talk going around about the wisdom of trying to run the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show next Thursday, a week late. This afternoon PMY set up a forum to discuss the subject, or just vent. Like Panbo, you can post as yourself or under a handle.


holding the show now borders on obscenity. i suspect the real reason is that the show company doesn't have the money to return to the registrants, so they have to do something to shift the blame back to the exhibitors. the show management company will be very lucky if it avoids significant legal problems (civil or otherwise).

Posted by: Anonymous at October 28, 2005 5:26 AM | Reply

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