IDEC, etudie this

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Jul 4, 2005

Idec helm

I can’t tell much about what he’s using—a small Furuno radar, B&G instruments, some PC program (MaxSea?)—but I do know that Francis Joyon is half way across the Atlantic and looking good to get the single handed record (better than 7d 2h 34m 42s) aboard his 90’ tri IDEC. Yesterday, he set a new solo 24-hour speed record of 543 miles! His site seems to be French only, but has great pictures. The one above is captioned “Francis etudie la carte” and was taken by Jocelyn Bleriot. Team Ellen is understandably keeping close track of Francis (in French & English); if he makes a new record, Ellen will try to break it in September.

Update, 7/6: Joyon took 22.5 hours off the transatlantic record!

Update, 7/7: Damn! Joyon elected to sail on alone to France after the finish, over slept, and totally wrecked IDEC on the coast of Brittany. What a strange single-handed mirror to the national joy of England getting the Olympics, immediately followed by the horror of terrorist bombs.


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