LED lantern in a bottle

... written for Panbo by Ben Ellison and posted on Apr 29, 2005

Lightcap-redTip of the hat to Scuttlebutt for today’s kind News Brief about Panbo. It’s been crazy here, it’s Friday, and I’m going to keep it quite light. So meet LightCap, a 32 oz water jug with a solar panel, Ni-Cad battery pack, and both red and white LEDs built into its top. It sounds like a foolish thing but I’m liking the prototype Sollight sent over. You can’t quite read by it but there’s a wonderful shimmer created by the light passing through the water, which also gives it some stay-put heft. LightCap could definitely add a little more magic to a balmy summer evening spent relaxing in the cockpit.

Do unto others dept: visit Zephyr, a newish blog pleasantly probing “sailing culture for voyagers, zealots, poets and populists”.


I've been using my LightCap on my boat for several months and LOVE it! I get 10 hours of white light off a full day charge in the sun, and over 20 hours of red light. And I find it's plenty bright enough to read by (white LED). I also like the size of the bottle: the mouth is large enough to easily clean and dry it. I have one in my ditch bag with my GPS inside the bottle to keep it dry - and it floats. This thing rocks! You can get them on the website for $25 (www.sollight.com).

Posted by: Eric at May 1, 2005 3:21 AM | Reply

I like this well, ordering it right now...;-) Great mention by Scuttlebutt btw!

Posted by: Yme Bosma at May 1, 2005 11:10 AM | Reply

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