GripNweigh, How Much Weighs My Catch?

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Aug 18, 2004

Like I said yesterday, I'm not really into fishing myself. But of course I do like the gadgets surrounding this sport. If you do too, and if you're always claiming to have caught the heaviest fish, then this is a must have....

"Thanks to GripNweigh, a digital fish scale from Xtools, not only can you establish the poundage of your conquest, but you can also get a solid grip on it so it doesn�t slip off into the deep blue and become the dreaded �one that got away.� According to the company, this patented gizmo helps you �control, lift, unhook, and weigh your catch in one easy, fast motion.� It works on any fish up to 25 pounds and even stores the weight of the five heaviest fish you�ve caught."