The Never Ending McMurdo Story

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Jul 20, 2004

How important it is that your EPIRP works correctly is proven many times a year. This spring only, NOAA satellites were key in saving 54 lives in 27 potentially deadly situations throughout the United States. So when McMurdo beacons are under fire again, this is not good news for the manufacturer. They even ordered a recall of their products.

"Doug Ritter, executive director of Equipped to Survive Foundation, announced today that he would be conducting an "independent evaluation" of McMurdo's GPS-enabled 406 MHz distress beacons. This announcement came in response to McMurdo's July 7th press release saying that its FastFind Plus PLB and Precision EPIRB performed "faultlessly" in recent tests, a few months after Ritter found performance problems."