Nobeltec's InSight Radar 2

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Jul 12, 2004

Nobeltec released their new InSight Radar 2, a fully functional digital radar that interfaces with their Visual Navigation Suite or Admiral for integration with a laptop or desktop computer. Seems promising by the looks of it and by the details as far as available. For more information, read this brochure (pdf) as well.

"The IR2 adds a variety of new controls and settings, but the new "Auto" settings are particularly important to note. Auto-Range automatically keeps your radar range and chart scale consistent when zooming in and out on a chart. This stabilizes the radar image while providing chart-plotting data at the same time. In addition, Auto-Gain and Auto-Sea intelligently filter out unwanted radar noise to keep the radar display clear and viewable at multiple chart scales and zoom levels. The IR2 also automatically adjusts the pulse length of the radar to match the range settings."