McMurdo Beacons Tested Again

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Jul 9, 2004

A while ago there was this news about the McMurdo 'Precision 406 MHz GPS EPIRB' (also known as G4 406 MHz GSP EPIRB) and the McMurdo 'Fastfind Plus 406 MHz Personal Location Beacon' (also known as the Fastfind Plus 406 MHz PLB) that both failed to reliably acquire a GPS location 'fix' under operational 'real-world conditions. Now, after some new tests, it seems that these products work fine.

"The new tests were conducted on the company's upgraded FastFind Plus PLB and Precision EPIRB products, and were designed to replicate the earlier Equipped to Survive Foundation tests as closely as possible."


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