Lots Of Electronics Does Not Equal Safety

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Jul 19, 2004

Every now and then a story comes along which proves that without skills, electronics won't do you a lot of good. Here's another one (free subscription required).

"Borgueta recalls how one day he helped lead a 36-foot cabin cruiser to shore in the fog, when the boater got lost near Beavertail. At the time, the harbormaster didn't have high-tech navigational tools, so Borgueta guided him safely by using a wrist compass and his knowledge of the sights and lights along the shore. "The guy said, 'I want to see the electronics you have on your boat,' " Borgueta recalled. He simply tapped his wrist. "He had probably $20,000 worth of electronics on his boat and he was following a $2 wrist compass," Borgueta said."