Time And Location

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Jun 18, 2004

Good article on the history (and future) of time and navigation. I especialy like the quote that says: "For every minute lost by a clock, it meant that there would be a navigational error of 15 miles. In 1761, John Harrison invented a pocket watch accurate enough to use for navigation at sea, which lost only 5 seconds in 6 and � weeks."

And, for some sense of history let's not forget how easy it is for us to navigate the seas these days....

"In about 1100 AD, the magnetic compass began to appear in navigation. By the end of 13th century, the first true nautical charts for marine navigation appeared in Italy. In the 20th century electronic instruments supplanted many centuries-old navigation technologies. In 1904 German inventor Christian Hulsmeyer introduced the first navigation device using radar technology."


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