Wireless Lighting Technology Continued

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on May 16, 2004

A couple of weeks ago I had a post on a company called MarineLED that keeps sending out these press releases through which they promote their new 'wireless lightning technology.' It sounded a bit like, as reader Dave stated it, a bad PR spin. I received an email from the company in which they try to clarify the whole thing.

Good Morning,

An associate happened across your post dated April 26 on the following site:


In reading this I am glad you posted the question, as in looking now at our press releases, we see that the "wireless" part was not explained very well, if at all. This was clearly a bad move on our part, and we have updated the press release to make it more explanatory (partially copied below).

It's critique like this from the other boaters and readers of our material out there that help us grow and get it right, and we thank you for your feedback on this press release - it has been an invaluable lesson in how we explain ourselves. Please have a look at the revised text below and let us know if this helps the explanation.

Thanks again, and have a great day


- The MarineLED Team -
[email protected]

-Your 'wireless' marine lighting experts-

"============ Modified Press Release ============

MarineLED puts a new spin on marketing 'wireless' technology by specializing in only filament-free lighting. Since its inception in 1879, the light bulb used a filament - or wire - to create light by heating white-hot with electricity. Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology has advanced rapidly over the past five years to enable efficient light output without a hot wire. Essentially a LED is a semiconductor which converts electricity directly into light, eliminating the fragile filament and associated problems with power draw, wasted heat, and breakage. The result is a jump in efficiency from 18% to a whopping 90% - a perfect marriage for the marine environment."


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