Updated: Submersive MP3 Players

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on May 5, 2004

Engadget reports on the not particularly cheap, but very convenient MP3 player for listening to music on boats. Never mind the weather, or the water for that matter, since the device is submersive as well.

"The Oceanic DV-64 can be submerged to depth of 200 meters, but getting your MP3 while undersea will cost you, this baby retails for $399, or as much as a 20GB iPod."

Engadget's Peter Rojas found an even better submersive MP3 player, both in terms of cost and memory...

"That MP3 player for scuba divers we mentioned yesterday isn�t your only option for getting your MP3 on while underwater. There�s also the SWIMMAN, a waterproof player that has twice as much memory as the Oceanic DV-64 (i.e. 128MB vs 64MB) and costs $150 less."


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