Tricolor and Anchor Combination LED Light

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on May 17, 2004

LEDs have been discussed many times before on this weblog, and here is an another example of the advances in this area. Orca Green Marine's TriAnchor is the first to achieve compliance to the USCG standard with a LED-based Tricolor and Anchor combination light.

"For example, a typical bicolor filament light for sailboats up to 65 feet will draw 25 Watts of power. That's 2.1 Amps at 12 Volts. Much of that power is wasted in heat production. OGM's LED lights use only 1.2 Watts, or 0.1 amps at 12 VDC. At this low power draw, a boat will be able to run his navigational lights for over a month without the need to recharge to boat's battery bank. Also, very little energy is wasted in heat, which means your lights will run cooler and more efficiently. The LEDs used in OGM lights produce only the color required to meet 72 COLREGS requirements. So no colored filters are required, which have a tendency to darken,crack and cloud with age."


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