On-board Satellite Communications

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on May 18, 2004

Two weeks ago there was a conference organized by Digital Ship, with one of the topics being on-board satellite communications. Although its main focus was on the larger shipping companies, some lessons can be learned for private yacht owners as well. You can find the report here (pdf).

"The result of the trial was that V.Ships saved 67 per cent of its communications costs on Fleet 55... ...EMS Satcom also calculated that Fleet 55 MPDS was 87 per cent cheaper than Mini-M for data communications with the same real life communications pattern, since mini-M was not designed to carry data."

"Dimitris Theodossiou, managing director of Danaos Management Consultants, created a stir by saying he could offer VSAT 64 kpbs always on for $400 a month, guaranteed 99.99 per cent availability, not including lease of the equipment, through Danaos' partnership with Broadband Maritime of New York."


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