Headings: Get A GRIB On The Weather

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on May 4, 2004

Let's start with a quote from the article: "Sailors are preoccupied with weather." I guess that's a true statement, so where should we get our weather information? If you have a Practical-Sailor.com subscription, you can find out all about it right here. For those of you who don't, there is a free trial available...

"Once you step aboard the boat and drop the mooring, however, things change. Unless you have satellite television aboard, The Weather Channel is a fond memory, and (lacking an unlimited budget) high-speed Internet access is just wishful thinking."


There is a new supplier of GRIBs, GRIB.US. They have a novel method of delivery that negates the use of a secondary app (email) and shortens the process of requesting and receiving GRIBs to a single step. In addition to a browser-based interface, they have their own standalone app (ugrib) that is very cool. At the moment, ugrib is PC only, but us Mac users can hope! Check 'em out: www.grib.us

Posted by: bobetter at December 27, 2006 4:43 PM | Reply

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