Unwire and Unwind

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Mar 8, 2004

Long article in Great Lakes Boating on the spread of Wi-Fi in marinas and on boats. The author makes a nice comment with regard to sailors and computers : "...and for the most part, people who are good with boats aren't necessarily good with computer science." He feels this is one of the reasons Wi-Fi isn't as widely spread as it could or should be.

"If your marina offers a Wi-Fi service, and you are not a computer nerd, I would recommend that you get a wireless network card, plug it into your computer, and see if you can see the Wi-Fi service. If you can, good. If you can't, remove the card and take it back to Best Buy and forget about the whole issue. Life is too short to hassle any further with it."


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