Stealth versus CAPAX: And The Winner Is...

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Mar 10, 2004

Earlier this week I posted about two high-end marinized PCs that recently got on the market. Stealth's LPC-401X and Capax's IPC-2402-MARINE-P4. Since I had no experience with either one of them, I let the experts do the talking. Gizmodo tipped Stealth as the winner, and Glenn Ashmore provided a compelling case for this machine as well on Google Groups.

"The Stealth is an extremely ruggedly built industrial computer and with audio, USP and Firewire on the front panel and the back it is a lot more
convenient to use. While it is not IEC-945 certified it is desighed for mounting on machines in a factory environment and would meet the vibration and shock load test better than the CAPAX. The only question I would have is the requirement for 10 minutes of 2KV 2.5Khz pulses into the supply line. That spec looks like it is to test normal mains 120/240V filtered power supplies and would probably not be appropriate for 18VDC supplies."

"If you are on a 75' or larger mega yacht that otherwise qualifies for SOLAS, the CAPAX it may be worth it but for a typical 40-50' yacht constrained for space and power the Stealth would definitely be a better choice."


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