Small-boat autopilots

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Mar 9, 2004

Trailer Boats Magazine points out that an autopilot can be a very useful instrument to have on a small-boat. Now that's probably nothing new, but the article explains how this can also be cost-effective, since it generally requires a relatively large investment.

"There is a widespread misconception that an autopilot is useful only on ocean-going vessels that are used exclusively for long-distance cruising. The fact is that an autopilot is useful in far more applications than just cruising. Like power steering on your car, autopilot owners soon find that the pilot is an essential accessory, and not simply a frivolous luxury. Primary applications are for cruising and fishing. But, when a pilot is combined with devices such as Loran, GPS, c-maps, and radar, a very sophisticated navigation system is formed that can often outperform the captain�particularly in adverse conditions."


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