Satellite seeks broadband re-entry

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Mar 11, 2004

This article in CNET is not discussing the possibilities for satellite internet access at sea, but touches upon a couple of issues that might be relevant to it. Standards and scale. If both happen this will also have a positive effect on costs and innovation with regard to satellite internet at sea.

"Last week, Hughes took one step aimed at cutting satellite broadband costs, endorsing the Internet Protocol over Satellite (IPoS) standard, which sets a common language for devices and applications to work with a satellite broadband service. The hope is to rally support among manufacturers who make PC devices such as handhelds, Wi-Fi hubs and Net phones. If manufacturers all develop products based on those standards, then broadband satellite equipment will become cheaper, the thinking goes. Thus far, Hughes has not announced any manufacturers who have endorsed its standard."


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