Little rugged PC

... written for Panbo by Yme Bosma and posted on Mar 9, 2004

Stealth Computer has come out with a nice new small form rugged PC, named LittlePC. Perfect for an install in a small environment close to a navigation table. Specs look good, but I don't think it's tested according to the IEC 945 standard like the marinized PC we mentioned yesterday. But then again, the price probably isn't the same either.

"The LPC-401X is an Intel Pentium-4 based small form computer system that is part of Stealth�s growing family of LittlePC�s. Housed in a rugged extruded aluminum enclosure this powerful & versatile machine runs a screaming 3.2GHz Processor and yet it can fit into the palm of your hand. The LPC-401 measures out at only 10" x 5.8" x 2.8" (about the size of a hard cover novel) and offers features that have only been available in traditional bulky desktop PC�s."


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