February 2004 Archives

Zap! Boom!

Feb 17, 2004

Having a lot of (expensive) electronics on board can be be very risky in case lightning strikes. This article tries to depict the different aspects of this, but also has to conclude that the science of lightning protection is still evolving.

"You may, at this point, be interested in a Lightning Protection System (LPS). But it�s a misnomer, as there is no proven way to actually protect a boat from lightning, only a technique for limiting damage when it strikes. Actually, there is a widely held myth, particularly among sailors, that an LPS�which is primarily a straight, highly conductive path from mast to water�causes more harm by attracting lightning than it does good."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

Analog radar overlays on a PC

Feb 17, 2004

You will not have to throw away you're old analog radar in order to be able to have radar-overlays on electronic charts using a PC. Nobeltec has introduced a device that "lets you integrate your favorite analog set with the company's fine VNS charting software. InSight supports extremely high screen resolutions -overlaid, if you desire- and about every radar feature made."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wireless displays have a bright future in yachting

Feb 16, 2004

Wireless displays, not Tablet PC's which are PC in themselves, will definitely have benefits when used while sailing. They will easily decouple the display from a computer that is used for navigation and all other kinds of purposes. Especially when they are water-resistant they should allure to sailors and Panasonic Toughbook MDWD Wireless Monitor is a good example.

"While not specifically designed for boats, this innovative addition to the Toughbook line will interest navigators who want flexible access to a yacht�s PC system. It weighs only 1.5 pounds, and its 8.4-inch, 800x600 pixel, color touchscreen LCD is both transflective and powerfully backlit."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (1)

eLearning and sailing

Feb 16, 2004

Slightly different topic then normal, but nonetheless very interesting application of digital technologies in a yachting context. eLearing applications focusing on navigation are continuing to pop up and can be really helpful.

"Now modern advances like radar/chart split displays, overlay, and automatic tracking are all helping to make low-visibility navigation more relaxed, but again a good grasp of the basics really helps you to understand and best use on even the fanciest machines. Besides, I’m convinced that one of boating’s many seductive qualities is that there is always more to learn."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

MasterLog Parts and Equipment Organizer

Feb 15, 2004

An innovative way of assisting you when problems arise with your yacht is developed by Bluewater Logistics using simple internet technology.

"It "has developed a service called MasterLog whereby every piece of gear, serial number, consumable, and individual manual can be databased by name and onboard location into a hierarchy of HTML pages.""

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

Live Marine Weather At Last

Feb 15, 2004

Although primarily focused on Nexrad, and therefore on US waters, this article discusses some of the providers of live weather information which van be very handy when sailing... Would be great to see these kinds of services integrated by the leading marine electronics and software developers on a global scale.

"Well, at this year's Miami International Boat Show, no fewer than four brand-new products were announced that promise to make weather awareness while underway quicker, more visual, and more specific. They're each different, but all share the common central feature of overlaying a chart with nearly real-time animated output from NOAA's remarkable nationwide Nexrad weather radar system."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

Red LED LightWedge

Feb 14, 2004

LED is 'revolutionizing' lighting, and some clever applications can be expected for boating purposes as well.

"While the lens is susceptible to scratching and the light does leak a bit out the edges, the Red LED LightWedge is nonetheless an effective and elegant chart light (and at anchor you can use it to read without annoying a snoozing bunk mate)."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

NMEA 2000 didn�t go away, it�s just taking a while to hatch

Feb 14, 2004

NMEA 2000 is a standard that "contains the requirements of a serial data communications network to inter-connect marine electronic equipment on vessels. It is multi-master and self configuring, and there is no central network controller. Equipment designed to this standard will have the ability to share data, including commands and status with other compatible equipment over a single channel." Within the home entertainment industry there are similar initiatives and it's always a chicken-end-egg problem when it comes to adoption.

"NMEA itself is certainly feeling good about its standard, reporting brisk sales of manuals and lively recent gatherings of interested companies. And the work of elevating 2000 from national to international status is also going well. Perhaps most important, certain little birdies are telling me that a number of important new NMEA 2000 products will hatch at the fall boat shows. Then perhaps the pioneering efforts of Teleflex and its early adopters will really pay off."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

Automatic Identity System

Feb 13, 2004

In order to make sure that you're always seen by big ships and that they see you, install an Automatic Identity System. It might help prevent collisions that occur every now and then and might have a fatal impact. Will be interesting to see how this system will integrate with other systems and what services will be developed based on that integration.

"The Automatic Identity System (AIS) is shaping up to be an important marine safety tool. It's based on a clever communications protocol that allows a nearly infinite number of nearby vessels to simultaneously exchange vital position, speed, heading, and other data over two previously unused VHF channels. Picture a super-solid ARPA radar target, only you also get the target vessel's name and whether she's just initiated a turn or speed change, and more, and vice versa. And the target is visible beyond normal radar sight."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)

eChart developments

Feb 13, 2004

Innovation in digital charts is more and more happening on a business model level. Nobeltec is a good example.

"Nobeltec wants to get you hooked. For a mere $10, eChart Planner gives you a world map and large-area U.S. charts, a year of animated U.S. tide and current predictions, three-day worldwide graphic weather predictions downloadable daily, and route-building/printing functions, all with a sleek, straightforward interface."

Yme Bosma | Permalink | Comments (0)